Volunteer In-Service Training: Cultural Competency and Cross-Cultural Communication

CASA Volunteers are invited to this important on-line in-service training that impacts our work with children, youth and their families. Many of us are working with children and youth from cultural, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds different from our own. It is important that we understand how bias shows up in the child welfare system, how […]

Summer 2020 Online Volunteer Information Session

Do you believe that children have the right to live in a safe & nurturing home? Do you want to help a young person transition successfully out of foster care? Become a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer today! CASA/Prince George's County is a volunteer-based organization that partners with the juvenile court to positively impact […]


June A – Online Pre-Service Training for New Volunteers

CASA volunteers are needed more than ever. We cannot forget about the 300 children who don’t yet have a volunteer right now. By training to become a CASA volunteer now, you can help us support the surge in cases as things get better. Apply today and join our community of compassionate CASA volunteers! June A […]

LGBTQ 101 In-Service Training

The purpose of this on-line training is to provide active CASA volunteers with a basic understanding of LGBTQ foundational concepts. To encourage participants to create a safe and nurturing environment in which LGBTQ youth can achieve their full potential. The training will describe the experience of LGBTQ youth in care and discuss basic skills to […]


Fostering Futures Online Training

More than half the youth we serve will age out of foster care to independence. Unfortunately, as the youth we serve reach emancipation, they are unprepared to live completely on their own. Many are forced to live with family members who were considered unfit to care for them when they were minors, live from friend […]


June B – Online Pre-Service Training

CASA volunteers are needed more than ever. We cannot forget about the 300 children who don’t yet have a volunteer right now. By training to become a CASA volunteer now, you can help us support the surge in cases as things get better. Apply today and join our community of compassionate CASA volunteers! June B […]

Volunteer In-Service: Supporting Youth in the Distant Learning Environment

As a follow-up to Best Tips and Practices for Virtual Advocacy, CASA/Prince George's County will be providing a new In-Service Learning opportunity on ways to support your CASA youth in the distant learning environment. Join us on Tuesday, October 27th, 6:30 pm for "How to Support Youth in the Distant Learning Environment" an on-line webinar that will discuss : Self-Care Establishing […]

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